The Sixteenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics

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From Prohibition to Recognition
September 14th -16th, 2025
Charlottesville, VA
Patients Out of Time is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating health care professionals and the public about the endocannabinoid system and the therapeutic use of cannabis.
Interview with Mary Lynn Mathre
Mary Lynn (ML) Mathre is the President and Co-founder of Patients Out of Time and Past President and Founding Member of the American Cannabis Nurses Association (ACNA). Mary Lynn graduated from the College of St. Teresa In Winona, MN in 1975 and began her nursing career in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps. She earned her MS degree from Case Western Reserve University in 1985 and her thesis was on Marijuana Disclosure to Health Care Professionals.
Providing a compassionate, science-based education forum for the development of medical cannabis knowledge
Supporting Patients
Providing information that can guide patients and caregivers to make informed decisions. Patients Out of Time’s core mission is to support those that need cannabis the most. Connecting medical patients with the resources they need to live healthy lives.
25 years of producing accredited educational seminars for medical professionals. Patients Out of Time is the leading national conference on cannabis therapeutics.
Science Based Education
Re-instituting cannabis as a legitimate medicine for use within the United States
Patients Out of Time is a non-profit 501c3 corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia that works to educate all disciplines of health care professionals; their specialty and professional organizations; the legal profession; and the public at large, about medical cannabis (marijuana).
Accredited Seminar Series
25 Years of Educating
Supporting Veterans
Nurses, Doctors & General Public
Creating Conversations
Providing a Professional Environment for Learning
Building Community
Connecting Scientists & Medical Professionals around the world
Supporting Patients
Creating Opportunities for Access, Education and Support.
Medicine Evolved
evidence-based studies on various patient populations using cannabis as medicine.
Information for Healthcare Continuing Education
Patients expect evidence-based practice from their healthcare professionals, providing drug/medication information that is accurate and science based. Our conference series is designed to meet the educational needs of healthcare professionals by providing accreditation for continuing education credits.
The Science of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
Cannabis has been used as medicine for centuries throughout the world. In ancient times it was a trial and error approach to determine if something had therapeutic value. As the field of medicine evolved, research protocols were developed and safety standards set. Modern research on the efficacy of cannabis as medicine was halted with its prohibition. With the advent of the War on Drugs, the focus of any research on cannabis was limited to the potential harmful effects of marijuana.
Endocannabinoid System
The first endogenous cannabinoid, arachidonylethanolamide or Anandamide (a Sanskrit word meaning blissful amide) was found in Dr. Mechoulam’s labratory in Israel in 1992. This discovery built on the idea that when receptors were found there had to be an endogenous ligand that would be the key to its use. Back in Mechoulam’s lab a second endocannabinoid called 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) was discovered in 1995.
Chronic Use Study
In the spring of 2001 in Missoula, MT, four (Irv Rosenfeld, George McMahon, Elvy Musikka, and Barbara Douglass) of the 6 remaining federal medical marijuana patients underwent an extensive three-day examination of every system in their body to determine the long term effects of cannabis. Known widely as The Missoula Chronic Use Study, the investigators concluded that after using cannabis therapeutically for a range of 11 to 27 years, with a dose of nine cured ounces per month for Barbara and others, and eleven cured ounces every 26 days for Irv, they were all in fine condition exempting their original illness and the wear and tear of age. We assume that the federal government never bothered to conduct such long-term studies because it did not want to scientifically validate the efficacy of cannabis. A thorough review of the study was published in the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics and is available here in PDF – Chronic Cannabis Use in the Compassionate Investigational New Drug Program: An Examination of Benefits and Adverse Effects of Legal Clinical Cannabis
Opioid Sparing
ain is the number one reason people seek medical attention, and patients seeking pain relief are the most prevalent group employing cannabis medicines. Chronic pain seriously interferes with the quality of life for many patients. For some, strong prescription pain medications (opioids) have provided them relief. Unfortunately several problems can follow with the use of opioids on a long term basis. Patients may soon develop a tolerance to the analgesic effects, thus requiring ever increasing doses. Chronic use of opioids also causes unwanted side effects that include such problems as constipation, feeling drugged, nauseated, and depressed. Countless self-reports from chronic pain patients who use cannabis for pain management show a common theme.
Clinical Trials
Patients Out of Time strongly believes that there has been more than enough research to validate that cannabis is a safe and effective medication. If not for the reefer madnessin the 1930s that led to the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, which marked the beginning of the cannabis prohibition and the removal of cannabis from the pharmacopoedia, cannabis would have been grandfathered into modern medicine as was aspirin.
Our Mission
Patients Out of Time focuses its power on re-instituting cannabis as a legitimate medicine for use within the United States. Cannabis, under modern research protocols, has been found to be effective in reducing intraocular pressure in glaucoma, reducing nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, stimulating the appetite for persons living with AIDS and suffering from wasting syndrome, controlling spasticity associated with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis, reduction in the intensity of chronic pain, assisting with treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, controlling seizures associated with seizure disorders, and other conditions.
“Patients Out of Time is the original non profit dedicated to the study of the benefits and efficacy of medical cannabis for Patientswho are, Out of Time.“
“Their conferences are terrific, very informative, and most importantly each year their conferences are accredited to provide Continuing Education credits for doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals, and even attorneys!”
“The conference was the very best example of good science and compassion for patients. Excellent organization!“
Cannabis information for Healthcare Professionals.
Patients Out of Time strongly believes that physicians must educate themselves on the science of medicinal cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. Once educated, physicians must be proactive and work towards ending the cannabis prohibition. It is not OK to simply shy away from or ignore this issue. Cannabis has the potential to improve the quality of life for countless patients. They need and expect your support.