
Providing Information for Healthcare Continuing Education. Patients expect evidence-based practice from their healthcare professionals, with drug/medication information that is accurate and science based.

Promising Findings on Medical Cannabis Use and Improvements in Cognition.

Medical cannabis use improves executive function in adults, according to emerging research further supported by recent (2021) preliminary results...

Therapeutic Cannabis – Learning from the Nurses

This report is a review of the article “Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in the US” by Tracy Klein and Carey Clark in the journal, Nurse Practitioner. A...

Cannabis Cost and Patients Care

Cannabis Cost and Patients Care, an Australian Study Addresses the Financial Toxicity of Medical Cannabis Programs. The cost of cannabis is what...
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Healer Healer is a trusted cannabis brand providing educational resources ( and cannabis and hemp products ( and...

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MoCann Testing- EKG Labs

MoCann Testing- EKG Labs

MoCann Testing- EKG Labs Missouri Cannabis Testing, a Division of EKG Labs, was founded in 2013 by Jennifer Eagan, Allen Kesselring, and Katie...

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Elevate Holistics

Elevate Holistics

Elevate Holistics Telemedicine Doctors - Medical Marijuana Certifications elevate_holistics-cmyk-1.png @elevateholistics1...

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Vivid, Alacarte (April copied from website) Vivid delivers the highest quality products by sourcing the best flower. Our expert extraction team...

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