Patients Out of Time

National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics Series


#1 April 7, 2000, Iowa City, IA The First National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Medical Marijuana: Science Based Clinical Applications


Overview and welcome – Al Byrne and Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

Marijuana & Medicine: Assessing the Science Base –  Janet E. Joy, PhD

History of Medical Use of Marijuana – Michael Aldrich, PhD, Kevin Zeese, Esq. &          Lawrence Hirsch, Esq.

Meta-Analysis of State Clinical Cancer Studies, Cannabis Efficacy – Richard Musty,      PhD

Clinical Review, 3000 cases – Tod Mikuriya, MD

Conducting Cannabis Research in the United Kingdom – David Hadorn, MD

Case Presentations of Legal Marijuana Patients:

            Glaucoma: Robert Randall and Elvy Musikka

            Multiple Sclerosis: Barbara Douglass

            Chronic Pain: George McMahon, Irvin Rosenfeld, & Juan Sanchez-Ramos, MD,                          PhD

The Voices and Experiences of Families and Care Providers – Mae Nutt, Scott Imler,    Margaret McMahon


#1 April 8, 2000, Iowa City, IA The First National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:   Medical Marijuana: Science Based Clinical Applications


Cannabis and Human Cannabinoids: Their Potentials as Medicines – David W. Pate,    PhD, MSc

Herbal versus Pharmaceutical Cannabis Preparations – John McPartland, DO

Potential Health Risks of Therapeutic Cannabis:

            Cognitive Effects – Robert Block, MS, PhD

            Physiological Effects –  Denis Petro, MD

            Pulmonary Effects – Donald Tashkin, MD

            Use During Pregnancy – Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

Psychosocial Study of AIDS Patients Using Cannabis – Kathleen Boyd, PhD

Guidelines for Dosage and Administration of Cannabis – ML Mathre, RN, MSN ,CARN

Current Marijuana Research and Research Questions – Ethan Russo, MD

Open Forum Q & A: All faculty


#2 May 3, 2002, Portland, OR The Second National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:   Analgesia and Other Indications


Opening Remarks – Al Byrne & Sandee Burbank

??Review of Current Research Clarifying the Role of Cannabis in Pain Management -Ester Fride, PhD (she replaced Raphael – maybe a different title for her presentation – check video)

Historical Review of Medical Cannabis – David Bearman, MD

Pain Relief with Cannabis for MS Patients – Richard Musty, PhD

Cannabinoids and Movement Disorders – Juan Sanchez-Ramos, MD, PhD

OR and HI Clinical Case Studies – Stuart Rosenblum, MD & William B. Wenner, MD

Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seed and Oil – Don E. Wirtshafter, Esq. & Mary Beth       Augustine, RD, CDN

Oregon Medical Marijuana Act – Three Years’ Experience – Grant Higginson, MD

Missoula Chronic Cannabis Use Study – Ethan Russo, MD, ML Mathre, RN, MSN,           George McMahon, Elvy Musikka, Irvin Rosenfeld

Cannabis Diseases and Pests – Robert Clarke, BS

Cannabis Use with AIDS Patients: – Donald Abrams, MD


#2 May 4, 2002, Portland, OR The Second National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Analgesia and Other Indications


State Cannabis Programs – Donald Topping, PhD moderator

            CA – Michael Aldrich, PhD & Scott Imler

            CO – Gail Kelsey, BS

            HI – Pamela Lichty, BA, MPH

Patients’ Use of Cannabis – Madeline Martinez

Medical Cannabis Providers:

            The Wo/Man’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, CA – Valerie Corral

            Vancouver Compassionate Club, Vancouver, BC – Hilary Black

            Eugene Compassionate Club, OR – Todd Dalotto

Clinical Trials in Canada: Cannabis for Chronic Pain –  Mark Ware, MD

Matching Medicinal Strains with Symptoms – Geoffrey Guy, MD

Alternative Delivery Systems:

            Cannabis Patch – Audra Stinchcomb, PhD

            CT-3 – Sumner Burstein, PhD

Open Forum Q & A – All faculty


#3 May 21, 2004, Charlottesville, VA: The Third National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics: Use Throughout the Life Span

Opening Remarks – Al Byrne

The Cannabinoid System in Neuroprotection – Raphael Mechoulam, PhD

Holistic Biochemistry: 600 Million Years of Cannabinoids – Robert Melamede, PhD

Overview of Cannabis Use and Pregnancy – Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

A Cannabis Kid – Christopher Largen

Mothers Know Best – Mae Nutt, Debbie Jeffries, Patricia Skidmore, RN, MSN, Ann        McCormick

Pediatrics and Cannabis – Ethan Russo, MD

Sublingual Dosage in the UK – Geoffrey Guy, MD

Chronic Cannabis Use: An Opportunistic Study – Thomas O’Connell, MD

Cannabis Efficacy in Treating ADD & ADHD – David Bearman, MD

Risk of Dependence – Billy R. Martin, PhD & Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

Risk and Benefits of Cannabis Products – ML Mathre, RN, MSN, CARN

Interactions Between Opiates and Cannabinoids – Sandra Welch, PhD

U.S. Federal Patients and Pain – Irvin Rosenfeld, George McMahon

Transdermal Cannabinoids – Audra Stinchcomb, PhD


#3 May 22, 2004, Charlottesville, VA: The Third National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics: Use Throughout the Life Span


Therapeutic Cannabis in The Netherlands – Willem Scholten, Pharm D, MPA

British Columbia Patient Surveys:  Philippe Lucas

Cannabis Research in Canada – Mark Ware, MSc, MRCP

Multiple Sclerosis and Cannabis – Denis Petro, MD and Jim Miller

Cannabis and Pain: Ongoing Clinical Trials – Donald Abrams, MD

Psychological& Physical Health in Long Term Cannabis Users – Richard Musty, PhD

Movement Disorders and Cannabis – Juan Sanchez-Ramos, MD

Cannabis Use in Hospice – Valerie Corral

DEA Rescheduling Petition Report – Jon Gettman, PhD

A Humane Drug Control System – Arnold Trebach, PhD, JD

Medical Ethics and Cannabis Prohibition – Richard Bonnie, JD

Open Forum Q & A – All faculty


#4 April 7, 2006, Santa Barbara, CA: The Fourth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics: The Mind-Body Connection


Opening Remarks – Donald Abrams, MD, David Bearman, MD & Harriet Miller

Staying Safe: The Challenge (What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You) – Mark Miller

Cannabinoids and the Physics of Life – Robert Melamede, PhD

Cannabis: Synthetic vs. Natural – Daniele Piomelli, PhD, Pharm D

Efficacy of Smoked Cannabis on Human Experimental Pain – Mark Wallace, MD

Patients Experience Treating MS with Cannabis – Montel Williams

UK Experience with New Cannabis Medicines – Stuart Ratcliffe, MD

The Current State of Cannabinoid Research in Israel – Natalya Kogan, PhD

DEA/NIDA and the Obstruction of Privately Funded Research – Rick Doblin, PhD

The Therapeutic Use of a Cannabis Project in Catalonia Spain: Information,     Prescription and Research – Marta Duran Delmas, MD

Canadian Pain and Cannabis – Mark Ware, MD, MECP, MSc

Pharmacy Grade Cannabis in The Netherlands – Marco van de Velde, Pharm D

Federal Patients: Are They Healthy? – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator), Barbara       Douglass, Irvin Rosenfeld, George McMahon, & Elvy Musikka

Cannabis Spouses Speak – Deborah Rosenfeld, Nancy Cavanaugh, Jay Cavanaugh,        Alice O’Leary, LPN, Joan Dangerfield


#4 April 8, 2006, Santa Barbara, CA: The Fourth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  The Mind-Body Connection


Opening Remarks – Marty Blum, JD,  Bonnie Martin, RN and Al Byrne

Cannabis in Pain and Palliative Care – Donald Abrams, MD

Cannabis Use and Pregnancy –  Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

Therapeutic Cannabis Use During Pregnancy and Its Efficacy Treating “Morning         Sickness” – Philippe Lucas

AIDS and Cannabis – Steven Hosea, MD

??Jeff Hergenrather

Clinical Implications of the Endocannabinoid System: PTSD, ADD and Beyond –           David Bearman, MD

PTSD Panel – Erin Hildebrandt, Al Byrne, Christopher Largen

Oregon Survey of Cannabis Applications – Edward Glick, RN

Patient Empowerment – William Britt, Russell Peterson, Rita Solinas

California Doctors, Medical Cannabis and the Medical Board: Safe and Appropriate Recommendations for a Safe and Effective Medicine – Frank Lucido, MD, Arnold Leff, MD, David Bearman, MD

Medical Cannabis and the Public Policy Process – Jon Gettman, PhD

Open Forum Q & A: ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) All faculty


#5 April 4, 2008, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA: The Fifth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: Re-Entering Mainstream Medicine


Opening Remarks – Donald Abrams, MD & Deborah Burger, RN

Conceptual Quagmires & Epistemic Privilege – Joe White

Cannabis From a Physician’s Perspective – Steve Hosea, MD

Does Regular Marijuana Smoking Lead to Pulmonary or Pulmonary-Related   Diseases (COPD, Lung Cancer, Pneumonia)? Cohort and Population Based      Studies – Donald Tashkin, MD

Cannabis Yields and Dosage – Chris Conrad

Cannabis: When Not Recommended – ML Mathre, RN, MSN

Patients Experience with Cannabis – Michael Krawitz, Angel Raich

Cannabis Use and Pregnancy – Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

Cannabis (Hemp) Seeds for Nutrition – Gero Lesen, D. Env

Clinical and Laboratory Medicinal Cannabis Results from Israel – Natalya Kogan, PhD

Effects of Smoked Cannabis on Chronic Neuropathic Pain – Mark Ware, MD, MSc,        MRCP

Cannabinoids and Movement Disorders – Juan Sanchez-Ramos

Federal Patients and Cannabis – George McMahon, Irvin Rosenfeld, Elvy Musikka


#5 April 5, 2008, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA: The Fifth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics: Cannabis: Re-Entering Mainstream Medicine


Cannabis in Pain and Palliative Care – Donald Abrams, MD

Cannabidiol and Mental Health – Richard Musty, PhD

Nursing, Ethics and Cannabis – Laurie Badzek, RN, JD, LLM, MS

Medical Cannabis: The Challenge of Educating Mainstream Medical Professionals –    David Ostrow, MD, PhD

Cannabis Tea in The Netherlands – Arno Hazekamp, PhD

Compassion Clubs of California – Amanda Reiman, PhD, MSW

Putting Compassion in Compassion Clubs – Philippe Lucas, Patrick Fourmy, Valerie    Corral

DEA/NIDA and the Obstruction of Privately Funded Research – Rick Doblin, PhD

Cannabis: Re-Entering Mainstream Journalism – Fred Gardner, Paul Armentano,         Anne Harrison

Medical Cannabis and the Public Policy Process – Jon Gettman, PhD

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN, CARN (moderator), All Faculty


#6 April 16, 2010, Warwick, RI: The Sixth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: The Medicine Plant


Opening Remarks – Donald Abrams, MD, Jesse Stout, BA, Donna Policastro, RN

Cannabis: Opening New Vistas in Both Therapy and Chemical Biology – Raphael         Mechoulam, PhD

A Molecular View of the Synergistic Shotgun – John McPartland, DO

Endogenous Cannabinoid System Review – Robert Melamede, PhD

Cannabinoids and the Neurobiology of Reward, Habit Formation and Addiction –        Gregory Gerdeman, PhD

??Endocannabinoid System and Neuropathic Pain – Andrea Hohmann, PhD

The Endogenous Cannabinoid System and Reproductive Pain –  Heather Bradshaw,    PhD

Safety of Medical Cannabis Use – Mark Ware, MD, MSc, MCRP

First Look: An Analytical Window into California’s Medical Cannabis Supply – Steve   DeAngelo (lunch – no credit)

Growing Cannabis for Medicine – Ed Glick

Chasing the Rainbow – Medical Cannabis and the Struggle to Break the NIDA Monopoly –  Lyle Craker, PhD

American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine – David Bearman

It Can’t Hurt to Ask: A Patient Survey of Canadian Medical Cannabis Users – Philippe Lucas

Oral Preparations of Medical Cannabis – Jennifer Burbank

State Programs and Supplying Patients with Medicinal Cannabis:

            RI – Charles Alexandre, RN & Todd Handel, MD

            NM – Steven Jenison, MD & Bryan Krumm, RN, CNP

Geographic Snapshots of Medical Cannabis Access in Washington State – Sunil            Aggarwal, PhD


#6 April 17, 2010, Warwick, RI: The Sixth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: The Medicine Plant


Welcome – Al Byrne & Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

Head Trauma, Osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s Disease: An Unexpected Trio –  Raphael             Mechoulam, PhD

Cannabinoids and Adverse Memories in Animals: Novel Perspectives in the     Treatment of PTS(d) – Reinaldo Takahashi, PhD

Cannabis in the Treatment of Eye Movement Disorders, Congenital and Pendular       Nystagmus – Denis Petro, MD

Cognitive and Psychomotor Effects of Cannabis – Richard Musty, PhD

Veterans and Pain, PTS(d) Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injuries – Michael Krawitz

Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders – Past, Present and        Future: José Crippa, MD, PhD

Cannabis for Muscle Spasms and MS – Jay Rostow & Rhonda O’Donnell, RN

Cannabinoid: Opioid Interactions – Donald Abrams, MD

Variability in Marijuana’s Acute Effects: The Role of Expectancies, Pharmacology and            Genetics – Jane Metrik, PhD

Harm Reduction and Cannabis – Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN, CARN

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator), All Faculty


#7 April 27, 2012, Tucson, AZ: The Seventh National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  The Endocacannabinoid System: Clinical Implications for Health Care


Welcome and Opening Remarks – Al Byrne, Donald Abrams, MD

Cannabis: Why is it Forbidden?  – Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN & Jacki Rickert

Overview of the Endocannabinoid System – Vincenzo DiMarzo, PhD

Care and Feeding of the Endocannabinoid System – John McPartland, DO

The ECS and Neuropathic Pain – Andrea Hohmann, PhD

Cannabinoids and the Eye – Melanie Kelly, PhD

The Use of Cannabis with Glaucoma – Gary Storck & Elvy Musikka

Beyond THC: Bringing Back CBD – Martin A. Lee

Raw Cannabis: A Dietary Essential Optimized Through Individualaized            Phytogenetics – William Courtney, MD

The Role of the Endocannabinoid System in the Regulation of Stress, Mood, and Anxiety – Matthew Hill, PhD

The ECS and Addiction – Greg Gerdeman, PhD

Cannabis as an Exit Drug – Amanda Reiman, PhD, MSW

Perils and Promising Possibilities with Cannabis and Schizophrenia – Christopher      Fichtner, MD

Research and Education on Cannabinoids: Update from Canada – Mark Ware, MD

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator), Current day faculty


#7 April 28, 2012, Tucson, AZ: The Seventh National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  The Endocacannabinoid System: Clinical Implications for Health Care


Opening Remarks – Al Byrne & Andrew Weil, MD

Cannabinoids and Cancer Care – Donald Abrams, MD

Phytocannabinoids in the Treatment of Breast Cancer and Glioma Cell Cancer –          Cristina Sanchez, PhD

Cannabis Oil and Skin Cancer  – Robert Melamede, PhD

Empirical Rationales for the Possibility of Cannabis Therapeutics in Post Traumatic   Stress – Christopher Fichtner, MD

Practical Applications of Cannabis for Post Traumatic Stress – Bryan Krumm, RN,       CNP

Clinical Trials of Cannabis Ues for Post Traumatic Stress Among Veterans –     Mordechai (Moti) Mashiah & MD Sue Sisley, MD

(Lunch talk, no credits) How to Help When There is No Hope – Vincent Palazzotto

The Use of Cannabis for ALS – Jahan Marcu, PhD and Cathy Jordan

Can Cannabis Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease? –  Gary Wenk, PhD

The ECS and Clinical Implications for Health Care – Clint Werner (moderator),            Andrew Weil, MD, Julie Holland, MD & Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#8 May 9, 2014, Portland, OR: The Eighth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  The Endocannabinoid System and Age-Related Illnesses


Opening Remarks – ML Mathre, RN, MSN & Donald Abrams, MD

Repression of Scientific Knowledge – David Allen, MD

Educational Needs of Health Care Professionals – Mark Ware, MD

Cannabis as an Adaptogenic Herb – Michelle Sexton, ND

Cannabis Production for a Regulated Market – Todd Dalotto

History of Cannabinoid Receptors: Targets o Interest to the Pharmaceutical

            Industry – Allyn Howlett, PhD

Endoannabinoids and Mood Disorders – Cecilia Hillard, PhD

New Target Receptors for Cannabinoids GPR55 and GPR18 – Mary Abood, PhD

The Endocannabinoid System, Cannabis and Pain – Perry Fine, MD

Cannabis, the ECS and Alzheimer’s Disease – Julian Romero, PhD

Cannabis in the Management of Neuromuscular Diseases – Greg Carter, MD

Hepatitis C and Cannabis: An Overview – Diana Sylvestre, MD

Potential Therapeutic Benefits of Cannabinoids for Cancer Patients – Sara Jane Ward,            PhD

Clinical Applications of Cannabis in Cancer Patients – Donald Abrams, MD

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day faculty


#8 May 10, 2014, Portland, OR: The Eighth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  The Endocannabinoid System and Age-Related Illnesses


Cannabinoids – Tackling the Cardiovascular Problems: Reem Smoum, PhD

Osterporosis, Osterarthritis, and the Brain-Bone Connection – Jahan Marcu, PhD

Addiction: the Dark Side of Cannabinoids – Jennifer Wiley, PhD

The Art of Cannabinoid Medicine: Clinical Approaches to Maximize Benefit and          Minimize Harm – Dustin Sulak, DO

What’s in Your Medicine? CBD, Terpenes, and Other Ingredients in Medical     Cannabis – Dale Gieringer, PhD

Cannabis Use in a Nursing Home Setting – Zach Klein, MSc candidate

Creating Cannabis Policies in Extended Care Facilities/Use of  Cannabis in the            Elderly – Jeffrey Hergenrather, MD

Cannabis Therapeutics in Hospice and Palliative Medicine – Sunil Aggarwal, MD, PhD

Facing Death with the Help of Cannabis: Valerie Corral

Complex Conditions and Cannabis: Individualized Treatment Yields Promising           Results – Mara Gordon

Is Your Patient Impaired on Cannabis? –  Paul Armantano

The Importance of Education for the Patients – Mark Miller

Stigma and Patient Experiences – Michelle Newhart, PhD

Patient Panel – Debbie Wilson & John D. Schwerdtfeger

Empowering Healthcare Providers to Protect and Guide Patient Access to Herbal       Cannabis – Alan Silber, Esq. (moderator), Michael Cutler, Esq. & Connie Elkins McKelvey, Esq.

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#9 May 22, 2015, West Palm Beach, FL: The Ninth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:   Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future


Welcome and Opening Remarks – Al Byrne & Donald Abrams

Marijuana Prohibition – Baseless Then and Now – Alice O’Leary, LPN & Jon Gettman, PhD

The Botanical Medicine of Cannabis – Michael Krawitz and Jeffrey Block, MD

Challenges and Roadblocks in US Cannabis Research – Uma Dhanabalan, MD   (moderator), Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD, Denis Petro, MD, Donald Abrams, MD & Sue Sisley, MD

Separating Spin and Reality in the Media – Justin Kander

50 Years of Cannabis/Cannabinoid Research – Raphael Mechoulam (Skype)

Homeostatic Regulation and the ECS – John McPartland, DO

The ECS and Addiction – Greg Gerdeman, PhD

The Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency – Ethan Russo, MD

Endogenous Cannabinoids and the Aging Brain – Juan Sanchez-Ramos

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#9 May 23, 2015, West Palm Beach, FL: The Ninth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future


Cannabis Therapy for Pediatric Epilepsy – Bonni Goldstein, MD

Tikum Olam Medical Cannabis Treatment Center – A Nurse –led Approach: Ma’ayan Weisberg and Inbal Sikorin, RN

Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome – Thomas Lee, MPH candidate

Safe Access: the Importance of Patient and Industry Education – Allie Butler & Sara    Payan

Why Are We Poisoning our Veterans? PTSD, TBI and Suicide  -Bryan Krumm, CPN,     MSN, Perry Parks, Robert Jordan, and Jacques Stiegelman

Hemp for Health – Eric Steenstra

The Endocannabinoid System and Education – Andrew Weil via Skype

Cannabis and the Wide World of Sports Panel – Greta Gaines, Riley Cote, Reginald      Jones

Safe Dosing for Seniors – Deborah Malka, MD, PhD

Clinical Applications/Dosing – Dustin Sulak, DO

Cannabis Genetics, Breeding and the Future of Medical Strain Development – Darryl Hudson, PhD

The Elephant in the Room – Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#10 April 15, 2016, Baltimore, MD: The Tenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: A Botanical Medicine


Opening Address – Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN

Cannabis as a Botanical Medicine:Historical and Modern Perspectives Based on         Authoritative Review of the Literature – Roy Upton, RH, DAyu

Understanding Cannabis as an Herbal Medicine – Deborah Malka, MD, PhD

Pharmacological Actions and Potential Novel Therapeutic Uses of Plant           Cannabinoids: Great Expectations – Roger Pertwee, PhD

Cannabis Terpenoids and Herbal Synergy –  Ethan Russo, MD

Medical Cannabis: What Questions to Ask Growers, Extractors and Budtenders –        Trish Flaster

Therapeutic Use of the Cannabis Root – Natasha Ryz, PhD

Cannabis: Why Nutrition Matters –  Laura Lagano, MS, RDN, CDN

Fallout From the Cannabis Prohibition – Neill Franklin, Jeff and Chris Mizanskey,        Dolores Halbin, RN, and Paul Bregman, MD

The Dose Effects of Edible Cannabis in Non-tolerant Individuals – Ryan Vandrey, PhD

Tracking Real World Use of Medical Cannabis: Lessons from Quebec –  Mark Ware,     MD

Cannabis & Holistic Healthcare: The Evolving Canadian Perspective – Henry Moller,   MD, MSc, MPP

Minority Communities & Cannabis: Diseases and Stigmas – Malik Burnett, MD, MBA &           Corey Barnette

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#10 April 16, 2016, Baltimore, MD: The Tenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: A Botanical Medicine


Cannabis a Versatile Botanical – Mark Blumenthal

Cannabinoids as P0ssible Antitumoral Drugs – Manuel Guzman, PhD

Recent Advances in Cannabinoid Research in Jerusalem – Reem Smoum-Jaouni, PhD

Cannabis and the Skin: From Physiology to Therapy of Skin Diseases – Tamás Biró,     MD, PhD

Cannabis and the Brain: Neuroprotection vs. Toxicity. Does it Damage or Protect? –    Greg Gerdeman, PhD

Margin of Safety and Risk of Addiction –  Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN

Cannabis Use in Intimacy and During Pregnancy – Jordan Tishler, MD, Stacey Kerr,     MD, Ciarra Torres Vargas, PhD

Quality Control of Medical and Recreational Cannabis – The Past, Present and             Future: Noel Palmer, PhD

Demographic & Diagnosis Study of 300 Patients Drawn from Three California             Cannabinoid Medicine Practices –  David Bearman, MD

Cannabis, Opioids and Pain – Debra Kimless, MD

Cannabis as a Homeostatic Medicine – John McPartland, DO

Preventative Medicine and Health Promotion with Cannabis – Dustin Sulak, DO

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#11 May 19, 2017, Berkeley, CA: The Eleventh National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: Protecting Patients and Reducing Harm


Welcome – Mary Lynn Mathre, RN & Donald Abrams, MD

National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine – Donald Abrams, MD

Overview of the Endocannabinoid System – Daniele Piomelli, PhD, MD

Endocannabinoids and the Neurobiology of Stress Resilience: Can Cannabis Protect   Patients From Stressors? – Greg Gerdeman, PhD

The Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Neuroprotection and Regeneration          After TBI – Esther Shohami, PhD

Endocannabinoids in the Aging Brain and in Neurodegenerative Diseases – Juan         Sanchez-Ramos, MD, PhD

Cognitive Effects of Cannabis on Medical and Recreational Users – Kent Hutchison,     PhD

Cardiovascular and Metabolic Effects of Cannabis – Steven Sidney, MD, MPH

The Center for Medical Cannabis Research – Past and Future – Igor Grant, MD

Cannabis and Cancer Treatment – Sean McAllister, PhD

Cannabis for Central Sensitivity Syndrome – Caroline MacCallum, MD, FRCPC, BSc      Pharm

Got the Night Shift Again: The Potentials of Cannabis – Ciara A. Torres, PhD

Exploring Cannabis as a Treatment for PTS(d) in the Military – Fabian Henry & Darryl           Hudson, PhD

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#11 May 20, 2017, Berkeley, CA: The Eleventh National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: Protecting Patients and Reducing Harm


Cannabis as a Harm Reduction Agent for the Opioid Epidemic –  Dustin Sulak, DO

Cannabis as a Substitute for Opiate and Non-opiate pain-Based Medication –   Amanda Reiman, PhD, MSW

Cannabis for Pain Management in Israel – Bereket Schiff-Keren, MD

Federal Protocol for Cannabis as an Adjunct Pain Medication – Irv Rosenfeld

Cannabis: Banned Drug or Medical Treatment for Sports Injuries? – Nate Jackson,      Sue Sisley, MD, Eben Britton

Cannabis Use with Geriatric Patients – Eloise Theisen, MSN, RN, AGPCNP-BC

Medical Cannabis: A Senior’s Perspective – Sue Taylor

How Does Medical Cannabis Save Money in Medicare and Medicaid – David    Bradford, PhD & Ashley Bradford

Making Medical Cannabis Better and Safer – Ethan Russo, MD

Herbal Cannabis Products for Patients – Valerie Corral

Cannabis in the Treatment of Seizure Disorders – Bonni Goldstein, MD & ____________

What About the Children – Tracy Ryan

HIPAA and State Medical Marijuana Laws – Elizabeth Dost, RN

Getting Past Stigma and Unlearning the Marijuana Propaganda – David Hepburn, MD

Open Forum Q & A: ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#12  May 11, 2018, Jersey City, NJ: The Twelfth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: Relieves Pain, Treats Addiction


Welcome – Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN, Juan Sanchez-Ramos (video), & John Malanca

Historical Review of Cannabis fro Pain Relief and Addiction Treatment – Ethan Russo,           MD

The Role of the ECS in Neuropathic Pain and Cancer Pain – Aron Lichtman, PhD

Endocannabinoids and Neural Systems of Addiction – Greg Gerdeman, PhD

Keeping an Open MIND: Assessing the Impact of Medical Cannabis Use on the Brain   – Staci Gruber, PhD

Cannabidiol as a Single of Adjunctive Treatment Strategy for Pain: Evidence from      Preclinical Studies – Sara Jane Ward, PhD

Multi-Center Medical Cannabis (MC) Prospective Registry Study for Chronic Pain       Patients – David Meiri, PhD

Medical Cannabis and the Elderly – Inbal Sikorin, RN

Associations Between Medical Cannabis and Prescription Opioid Use in Chronic Pain            Patients – Jacob M. Vigil, PhD

Patient Survey in  ME, VT and RI – Brian Piper, PhD, MS

Patient Report – Anne Morgan, MD

From Pills to Pot – Sue Sisley, MD & Mike James

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#12 May 12, 2018, Jersey City, NJ: The Twelfth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: Relieves Pain, Treats Addiction


Cannabis Constituents – David Meiri, PhD

Complicating the Simple vs. Simplifying the Complex: Two Camps in Cannabis and     How They Impact Labeling and Testing Standards to the Detriment of        Patients – Mark Lewis, PhD

Topical Cannabis for Pain Relief – Natasha Ryz, PhD, MSc

Cannabis as a Treatment Modality for Substance Use Disorders – Joe Schrank & Scott            Bienenfeld, MD

Everything You Need to Know About Medical Cannabis – Caroline MacCallum, MD

Cannabis for Opioid Abuse – an Update on the Science and Practical Tips for Success – Dustin Sulak, DO

Patient Access to Cannabis – Lynda Balneaves, PhD, RN

Roadblocks and solutions for Healthcare Professionals Related to Medical Cannabis – Melanie Dreher, RN, PhD, David Nathan, MD, & Julie Holland, MD

Open Forum Q & A: ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#13 April 12, 2019, Tampa Bay FL: The Thirteenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics: Cannabis: Whole Plant Medicine for the Whole Person


Welcome: M. L Mathre, RN, MSN

Introduction to Raphael Mechoulam – Joel Meshulam, MD

From Phyto-Cannabinoids to Endocannabinoids – Raphael Mechoulam, PhD

Cannabis the Plant – Kevin Jodrey

Terpenes and Flavonoids – Linda Klumpers, PhD

Evolution of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System – Greg Gerdeman, PhD

Cannabis and Movement Disorders – Juan Sanchez-Ramos, PhD, MD

Cannabis Nurtrition and the Microbiome – Laura Lagano, MS, RDN, CDN

Pain Survey – Sue Sisley, MD

Cannabis and Opioid Use Disorder – Beth Wiese, MA

Cannabis CAM Therapy for the Elderly – Deborah Malka, PhD, MD

Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress: A Holistic Approach – Bryan Krumm, MSN, CNP

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (moderator) Current Day Faculty


#13 April 13, 2019, Tampa Bay FL: The Thirteenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics: Cannabis: Whole Plant Medicine for the Whole Person


What About Cannabis Use During Pregnancy & When Breast Feeding – Genester Wilson-King, MD

Panel: Dosing with Whole Plant Botanical Medications: Challenges and Solutions –Juan Sanchez-Ramos, PhD, MD (Moderator), Dustin Sulak, DO, Deborah Malka, PhD, MD, Melani Bersten, PharmD

Panel:  Potential Adverse Outcomes with Cannabis – Greg Gerdeman, PhD (Moderator), Melani Bersten, PharmD, Bryan Krumm, CNP, Dale Gieringer, PhD

Panel: Cannabis Testing: Problems and the Road to Solutions – Chris Hudalla, PhD (Moderator), Susan Audino, PhD,

Panel: Integrating Cannabis Into the Health Care System – Mara Felson (Moderator), Terel Newtonm MD, David Berger, MD, Shaleen Title, Esq.

Open Forum Q & A – ML Mathre, RN, MSN (Moderator), Current Day Faculty



#14 May 20, 2021 (Virtual), The Fourteenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: The State of the Science


Welcome & Overview:  Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN & Mikhail Kogan, MD


State of Cannabis Laws and Regulations – The Invisible Patient

            The Broad Scope of Patient Needs – Jon Gettman, PhD

            Minorities and Veterans – Brandon Wyatt, Esq.

Reclassification of Cannabis in the Single Convention Drug Control Treaty Pursuant to Critical Review Process of World Health Organization’s Expert Committee on Drug Dependence: Implications for Policy, Patient Access, and the Cannabis Industry Inside the US – Michael Krawitz

            Live Q & A: Jon Gettman, Brandon Wyatt, Michael Krawitz & Mikhail Kogan

State of Cannabis Research – Catch 22

Early Attempts at Cannabis Research – Melanie Dreher, PhD, RN (see video for updated presentation title)

Four Years After the 2017 NASEM Report on The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: What We’ve Learned and Where We’re Headed – Ziva cooper, PhD

Research Interests of the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health – David Shurtleff, PhD

Live Q & A – Melanie Dreher, Ziva Cooper & David Shurtleff

State of Cannabis Education – Who is Teaching Who?

            MD University’s Cannabis Program – Leah Sera, PharmD

Core Steps Toward Developing Competencies for Medical Cannabis Education in Medical Schools – Mikhail Kogan, MD, Yuval (Tuby) Zolotov, PhD, Leslie Mendoza Temple, MD & Abraham Benavides, MD

Live Q & A: Leah Sera, Mikhail Kogan, Leslie Mendoza Temple & Abraham Benavides


#14 May 21, 2021 (Virtual), The Fourteenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: The State of the Science


State of the Science – What We Do Know About the ECS and Cannabis

Overview: What We Do Know About the ECS and Cannabis – Greg Gerdeman, PhD

Matters of MIND: Examining the Impact of Medical Cannabis – Staci Gruber, PhD

Cannabis as an Orchestra of Components for a Multitude of Conditions – Davie (Dedi) Meiri, PhD

Mechanism of Action of CBD & Other Cannabinoids – Bonni Goldstein, MD

State of Product Safety – Jahan Marcu, PhD

The Endocannabinoid System, Cannabis, and the Microbiome – Ethan Russo, MD

Medicinal Plants: Missing Insights in Pharmacology – Kevin Spelman, PhD

Live Q & A – State of the Science Faculty


#14 May 22, 2021 (Virtual), The Fourteenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:  Cannabis: The State of the Science


State of Clinical Practice – Science Takes Hold

            Challenges, Successes, and New Challenges – Dustin Sulak, DO

Cannabis Preferences by a Cohort of Veterans in Hawaii – Me Fuimanono-Poe, FNP-BC

2019 Veterans Health and Medical Cannabis Study – Marion McNabb, DrPH, MPH

Cannabis and Women’s Health Conditions – Genester Wilson-King, MD

Pediatric Case Presentations – Rylie Maedler & Coltyn Turner

What About the Children? – Patricia Frye, MD

Cannabis Therapeutics for the Geriatric Population – Mikhail Kogan, MD

COVID-19 and Medical Cannabis Patients and Consumer Study – Marion McNabb, DrPH, MPH

CBD for the Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathic Pain – Deb Kimless, MD

Live Q & A – State of Clinical Practice Faculty